Recently in Culture Currents...
With Sephora Markson Hartz and Jesse Tisch
Editors Jesse Tisch and Sephora Markson Hartz discuss important and trivial Jewish topics.
Jesse Tisch: It’s the 3rd day of Channukah, and here we are talking about...Chrismakkuh.
Sephora Markson Hartz: Ummm...I think it’s Chrismukkah. Such insensitivity!
JT: You’re right. I’ve already offended at least two groups: Christians and editors. In any event, bring our readers up to speed: What is the kerfluffle over this impossible-to-spell, made-up holiday?
SMH: Back on December 14, Jordana Horn — a writer for Kveller — wrote a piece with the following, rather telling title: “Actually, You Can’t Celebrate Hanukkah AND Christmas.” But, like the spelling of Chanukah/Channukah/Hanukkah itself, there are many who contend that you can celebrate any way you choose. Read on.
By Sephora Markson Hartz
The name Emma Goldman has long garnered strong reactions. After all, J. Edgar Hoover called her "the most dangerous woman in America." But that's understandable, considering Goldman herself unapologetically crusaded against centralized government, gender inequality, and labor rights violations. An anarchist, agitator, and advocate of free love, in the early 20th century Goldman was an American celebrity of the radical left. Read on.
Literature & Reviews
Radical Poetics and Secular Jewish Culture

"What are the innovations and inventions of American Jewish poets over the past century?"
This is just one of the questions six writers and scholars pondered as part of
"Secular Jewish Culture/Radical Poetic Practice."
By Daniel Morris
Guide to the Land of Oz
An interview with Amos Oz's
translator, Nicholas de Lange.
By Benjamin Pollak
Jews and the Making of Modern History
A review of David Shneer's Through Soviet Jewish Eyes: Photography, War, and the Holocaust.
By Sephora Markson Hartz
Singer Gets a Life
The author of Born to Kvetch asks how
Issac Bashevis Singer came to dominate
the American Jewish literary scene.
By Michael Wex
Introducing The Posen Library
...encompassing "an inclusive and pluralistic
definition of Jewish culture and civilization in
all of its rich diversity."
By James E. Young
Stage & Screen
The Jewish Shakespeare
The tale of my great-grandfather,
playwright Jacob Gordin.
By Beth Kaplan
Changing Cultural Landscapes in Russian & Israeli Cinema

The evolving narrative in Israeli and Russian films of the Russian immigrant experience.
By Olga Gershenson
Lessons From the Prophets

An interview with Tony Kushner.
By Jesse Tisch

Yona Wallach: Profile of a Pioneering Hebrew Poet

How did the life of a Catholic mystic become the
inspiration for poetry by a secular Jew?
By Ruth Kartun-Blum
Open, Closed, Open

A modern Israeli poet ruminates on the
complexities of life, loss, and belief.
Poems by Yehuda Amichai
Translated by Chana Bloch and Chana Kronfeld
The power of women, the blending of cultures,
and the rebuke of tradition: Three Poems

A glimpse into the world of Mizrahi Jews,
the experiences of Jewish women of Arab lands,
and a secular Jewish identity.
By Ruth Knafo Setton
Jewish-American Splendor
Harvey Pekar's final grumble.
By Sephora Markson Hartz
Passionate Pioneers

The story of secular Yiddish education
in North America, 1910-1960.
By Fradle Pomerantz Freidenreich
Some Totally Radical Women
The revolutionary use of Yiddish
in the early 20th century.
By Tony Michels
And the Award Goes to... Queer Yiddishkeit
Something queer's going on
in the contemporary Yiddish scene.
By Kathleen Peratis
What I Learned from My New Book
A fresh look at Jews and
pop culture by a noted scholar.
By Paul Buhle
Jewish, Secular, and Popular
Jazz-Age Jews not only consumed
pop culture, they helped create it.
By Ted Merwin
The Explosion of Jewish Culture in an Age of Mass Media

Posen Library Volume X co-editor
explores how Jews make culture
and make it Jewish in various ways.
By Deborah Dash Moore